get Section List
fun getSectionList( siteHierarchy: String, listener: ArcXPContentCallback? = null, shouldIgnoreCache: Boolean = false): LiveData<Either<ArcXPException, List<ArcXPSection>>>
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This function requests list of section headers that are used for navigation It is expected these correlate with existing collections
returns result either through callback interface or livedata
LiveData subscribe to this livedata for successful results (or use callback interface) Note: this returns the same live data each time, so can subscribe directly to sectionListLiveData once
site Hierarchy
id to query
Callback interface for optional callback override ArcXPContentCallback.onGetSectionsSuccess for success override ArcXPContentCallback.onError for failure or leave null and use livedata result and error livedata
should Ignore Cache
if true, we ignore caching for this call only