Arc Video Stream
What is it?
This class holds the data for an individual video object returned from one of the ArcMediaClient API calls.
How does it relate to other important Video SDK classes
The ArcMediaClient API calls will return a list that will contain 0 or more of these objects. Each one can be sent to an ArcMediaPlayer object and played.
What are the core components that make it up?
This is a data class that has only one method, findBestStream(), which calculates the best stream to use when playing a video based upon passed in parameters.
Create empty Arc video stream
This algorithm iterates through the streams looking for one that is of the preferred type and comes closest to matching the max bitrate. If a match is not found it uses recursion to call the algorithm again with the next preferred stream type (the order is HLS, TS, MP4, GIF, GIF-MP4) until we get a match or we have exhausted our preferred types.