set Max Bit Rate
Configuration setting: This can also be set using .configureMediaPlayer and the ArcXPVideoConfig object. An ArcVideoStreamObject can return multiple streams that each have a different video type and bit rate. The stream to play will be chosen based on a preferred stream type and a maximum bit rate that is desired. The preferred streams have a hierarchy that is HLS, TS, MP4, GIF, GIF-MP4. The algorithm to choose the correct stream will loop through all available streams of the preferred type. Of those it will find the one that does not exceed the given max bit rate. If a stream of the preferred type does not exist then it will go to the next preferred stream type and repeat the search, working its way down until it finds a stream that does not exceed the bit rate. For example, if the preferred type is set to TS and there are no TS streams in the object then it will repeat the search using MP4, then GIF, then GIF-MP4.
Media player object
Maximum rate