Arc XPContent Element
@JsonClass(generateAdapter = true )
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fun ArcXPContentElement( additional_properties: AdditionalProperties? = null, created_date: String? = null, display_date: String? = null, first_publish_date: String? = null, last_updated_date: String? = null, owner: Owner? = null, publish_date: Date? = null, publishing: Publishing? = null, revision: Revision? = null, type: String, version: String? = null, _id: String, website: String? = null, address: Address? = null, content_elements: List<ArcXPContentElement>? = null, caption: String? = null, credits: Credits? = null, geo: Geo? = null, height: Int? = null, width: Int? = null, licensable: Boolean? = null, newKeywords: String? = null, referent_properties: ReferentProperties? = null, selectedGalleries: List<String>? = null, subtitle: String? = null, taxonomy: Taxonomy? = null, url: String? = null, copyright: String? = null, description: Description? = null, headlines: Headline? = null, language: String? = null, location: String? = null, @Json(name = "promo_items" ) promoItem: PromoItem? = null, video_type: String? = null, canonical_url: String? = null, subtype: String? = null, content: String? = null, embed_html: String? = null, subheadlines: Subheadlines? = null, streams: List<Streams>? = null, duration: Long? = null, auth: Map<String, String>? = null)
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