
@JsonClass(generateAdapter = true)
data class Taxonomy(    val keywords: List<Taxonomy.Keyword>?,     val named_entities: List<Taxonomy.NamedEntity>?,     val topics: List<Taxonomy.Topic>?,     val auxiliaries: List<Taxonomy.Auxiliary>?,     val tags: List<Taxonomy.Tag>?,     val primary_section: Taxonomy.Section?,     val sections: List<Taxonomy.Section>?,     val seo_keywords: List<String>?,     val stock_symbols: List<String>?,     val associated_tasks: List<String>?,     val additional_properties: Map<String, *>?)

Holds the collection of tags, categories, keywords, etc that describe content.


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fun Taxonomy(    keywords: List<Taxonomy.Keyword>?,     named_entities: List<Taxonomy.NamedEntity>?,     topics: List<Taxonomy.Topic>?,     auxiliaries: List<Taxonomy.Auxiliary>?,     tags: List<Taxonomy.Tag>?,     primary_section: Taxonomy.Section?,     sections: List<Taxonomy.Section>?,     seo_keywords: List<String>?,     stock_symbols: List<String>?,     associated_tasks: List<String>?,     additional_properties: Map<String, *>?)


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@JsonClass(generateAdapter = true)
data class Auxiliary(    val _id: String?,     val name: String?,     val uid: String?)

Models a auxiliary used in targeting a piece of content.

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@JsonClass(generateAdapter = true)
data class Keyword(    val keyword: String?,     val score: Any?,     val tag: String?,     val frequency: Int?)

Models a keyword used in describing a piece of content.

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@JsonClass(generateAdapter = true)
data class NamedEntity(    val _id: String?,     val name: String?,     val type: String?,     val number: Any?)

Models a named entity (i.e. name of a person, place, or organization) used in a piece of content.

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@JsonClass(generateAdapter = true)
data class Section(    val type: String?,     val _id: String?,     val _website: String?,     val version: String?,     val name: String?,     val description: String?,     val path: String?,     val parent_id: String?,     val primary: Boolean?)

A primary section object or reference to one. In the Arc ecosystem, a reference here is denormalized into a site from the arc-site-service.

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@JsonClass(generateAdapter = true)
data class Tag(    val _id: String?,     val type: String?,     val subtype: String?,     val text: String?,     val slug: String?,     val additional_properties: Map<String, *>?)

Models a keyword used in describing a piece of content.

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@JsonClass(generateAdapter = true)
data class Topic(    val _id: String?,     val name: String?,     val score: Any?,     val uid: String?)

Models a topic used in describing a piece of content.


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val additional_properties: Map<String, *>?

A grab-bag object for non-validatable data.

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val associated_tasks: List<String>?

A list of WebSked task IDs that this content was created or curated to satisfy.

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val auxiliaries: List<Taxonomy.Auxiliary>?

A list of auxiliaries. In the Arc ecosystem, this list is populated by Clavis.

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val keywords: List<Taxonomy.Keyword>?

A list of keywords. In the Arc ecosystem, this list is populated by Clavis.

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val named_entities: List<Taxonomy.NamedEntity>?

A list of named entities. In the Arc ecosystem, this list is populated by Clavis.

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val primary_section: Taxonomy.Section?

A hierarchical section in a taxonomy. In the Arc ecosystem, these are stored in the arc-site-service.

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val sections: List<Taxonomy.Section>?

A list of site objects or references to them. In the Arc ecosystem, references in this list are denormalized into sites from the arc-site-service. In a multi-site context, sites will be denormalized against an organization's default website only.

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val seo_keywords: List<String>?

A list of user-editable manually entered keywords for search purposes. In the Arc ecosystem, these can be generated and saved in source CMS systems, editors, etc.

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val stock_symbols: List<String>?

A list of stock symbols of companies related to this content. In the Arc ecosystem, these can be generated and saved in source CMS systems, editors, etc.

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val tags: List<Taxonomy.Tag>?

Models a keyword used in describing a piece of content.

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val topics: List<Taxonomy.Topic>?

A list of topics. In the Arc ecosystem, this list is populated by Clavis.