
@JsonClass(generateAdapter = true)
data class Image(    val _id: String?,     val version: String?,     val subtype: String?,     val channels: List<String>?,     val alignment: String?,     val copyright: String?,     val canonical_url: String?,     val short_url: String?,     val created_date: Date?,     val last_updated_date: Date?,     val publish_date: Date?,     val first_publish_date: Date?,     val display_date: Date?,     val geo: Geo?,     val language: String?,     val location: String?,     val address: Address?,     val editor_note: String?,     val status: String?,     val headlines: Headline?,     val subheadlines: Headline?,     val description: Description?,     val credits: Credits?,     val vanity_credits: Credits?,     val promo_items: PromoItem?,     val related_content: Map<String, *>?,     val owner: Owner?,     val planning: Planning?,     val pitches: Pitches?,     val source: Source?,     val distributor: Distributor?,     val tracking: Any?,     val comments: Comments?,     val label: Label?,     val slug: String?,     val content_restrictions: ContentRestrictions?,     val image_type: String?,     val alt_text: String?,     val focal_point: Image.FocalPoint?,     val additional_properties: Map<String, *>?,     val subtitle: String?,     val caption: String?,     val url: String?,     val width: Int?,     val height: Int?,     val licensable: Boolean?,     val contributors: Image.CreatedBy?,     val auth: Map<String, String>?) : StoryElement

Image ANS type


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fun Image(    _id: String?,     version: String?,     subtype: String?,     channels: List<String>?,     alignment: String?,     copyright: String?,     canonical_url: String?,     short_url: String?,     created_date: Date?,     last_updated_date: Date?,     publish_date: Date?,     first_publish_date: Date?,     display_date: Date?,     geo: Geo?,     language: String?,     location: String?,     address: Address?,     editor_note: String?,     status: String?,     headlines: Headline?,     subheadlines: Headline?,     description: Description?,     credits: Credits?,     vanity_credits: Credits?,     promo_items: PromoItem?,     related_content: Map<String, *>?,     owner: Owner?,     planning: Planning?,     pitches: Pitches?,     source: Source?,     distributor: Distributor?,     tracking: Any?,     comments: Comments?,     label: Label?,     slug: String?,     content_restrictions: ContentRestrictions?,     image_type: String?,     alt_text: String?,     focal_point: Image.FocalPoint?,     additional_properties: Map<String, *>?,     subtitle: String?,     caption: String?,     url: String?,     width: Int?,     height: Int?,     licensable: Boolean?,     contributors: Image.CreatedBy?,     auth: Map<String, String>?)


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@JsonClass(generateAdapter = true)
data class CreatedBy(val user_id: String?, val display_name: String?)

Trait that holds information on who created and contributed to a given document in Arc.

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@JsonClass(generateAdapter = true)
data class FocalPoint(val x: Any?, val y: Any?)

coordinates representing the 'visual center' of an image. The X axis is horizontal line and the Y axis the vertical line, with 0,0 being the LEFT, TOP of the image.

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@JsonClass(generateAdapter = true)
data class ResizerAuth(val one: String?)


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val _id: String?

Globally Unique ID trait: A globally unique identifier of the content in the ANS repository.

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val additional_properties: Map<String, *>?

A grab-bag object for non-validatable data.

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val address: Address?

An Address following the convention of

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val alignment: String?

Alignment: A property used to determine horizontal positioning of a content element relative to the elements that immediately follow it in the element sequence. could be 'left', 'right', or 'center'

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val alt_text: String?

The direct ANS equivalent of the HTML 'alt' attribute. A description of the contents of an image for improved accessibility.

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val auth: Map<String, String>?
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val canonical_url: String?

Canonical URL: The relative URL to this document on the website specified by the canonical_website field. In the Arc ecosystem, this will be populated by the content api from the arc-canonical-url service if present based on the canonical_website. In conjunction with canonical_website, it can be used to determine the SEO canonical url or open graph url. In a multi-site context, this field may be different from the website_url field.

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val caption: String?

Caption for the image.

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val channels: List<String>?

Channel trait: An optional list of output types for which this element should be visible

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val comments: Comments?

Comment configuration data

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val content_restrictions: ContentRestrictions?

Trait that applies contains the content restrictions of an ANS object.

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val contributors: Image.CreatedBy?

Trait that holds information on who created and contributed to a given document in Arc.

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val copyright: String?

Copyright information: A copyright notice for the legal owner of this content. E.g., '© 1996-2018 The Washington Post.' Format may vary between organizations.

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val created_date: Date?

Created Date: When the content was originally created (RFC3339-formatted). In the Arc ecosystem, this will be automatically generated for stories in the Story API.

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val credits: Credits?

Credits: A list of people and groups attributed to this content, keyed by type of contribution. In the Arc ecosystem, references in this list will be denormalized into author objects from the arc-author-service.

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val description: Description?

The descriptions, or blurbs, for the content

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val display_date: Date?

Display_Date: The RFC3339-formatted dated time of the most recent date the story was (re)displayed on a public site.

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val distributor: Distributor?

Information about a third party that provided this content from outside this document's hosted organization.

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val editor_note: String?

Editor_Note: Additional information to be displayed near the content from the editor.

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val first_publish_date: Date?

First Publish Date: When the story was first published.

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val focal_point: Image.FocalPoint?

coordinates representing the 'visual center' of an image. The X axis is horizontal line and the Y axis the vertical line, with 0,0 being the LEFT, TOP of the image.

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val geo: Geo?

Geo: Latitude and Longitude of the content

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val headlines: Headline?

Headlines: The headline(s) or title for this content.

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val height: Int?

Height for the image.

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val image_type: String?

A more specific category for an image. "photograph", "graphic", "illustration", or "thumbnail"

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val label: Label?

What the Washington Post calls a Kicker

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val language: String?

The primary language of the content. The value should follow IETF BCP47. (e.g. 'en', 'es-419', etc.)

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val last_updated_date: Date?

Last Updated Date: When the content was last updated (RFC3339-formatted).

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val licensable: Boolean?

True if the image can legally be licensed to others.

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val location: String?

Location related trait: A description of the location, useful if a full address or lat/long specification is overkill.

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val owner: Owner?

Various unrelated fields that should be preserved for backwards-compatibility reasons. See also trait_source.

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val pitches: Pitches?

Trait that represents a story's pitches. In the Arc ecosystem, this data is generated by WebSked.

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val planning: Planning?

Trait that applies planning information to a document or resource. In the Arc ecosystem, this data is generated by WebSked. Newsroom use only. All these fields should be available and editable in WebSked.

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val promo_items: PromoItem?

Lists of promotional content to use when highlighting the story. In the Arc ecosystem, references in these lists will be denormalized.

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val publish_date: Date?

Publish_Date: When the story was published.

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val related_content: Map<String, *>?

Lists of content items or references this story is related to, arbitrarily keyed. In the Arc ecosystem, references in this object will be denormalized into the fully-inflated content objects they represent.

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val short_url: String?

Short_Url: A url-shortened version of the canonical url.

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val slug: String?

A short reference name for internal editorial use

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val source: Source?

Information about the original source and/or owner of this content

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val status: String?

Status: Optional field to story story workflow related status (e.g. published/embargoed/etc)

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val subheadlines: Headline?

SubHeadlines: The subheadline(s) or title for this content.

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val subtitle: String?

Subtitle for the image.

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val subtype: String?

A user-defined categorization method to supplement type. In Arc, this field is reserved for organization-defined purposes, such as selecting the PageBuilder template that should be used to render a document.

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val tracking: Any?

Tracking information, probably implementation-dependent

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val type: String
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val url: String?

URL for the image.

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val vanity_credits: Credits?

Similar to the credits trait, but to be used only when ANS is being directly rendered to readers natively. For legal and technical reasons, the credits trait is preferred when converting ANS into feeds or other distribution formats. However, when present, vanity_credits allows more sophisticated credits presentation to override the default without losing that original data.

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val version: String?

Describes the ANS version of this object: The version of ANS that this object was serialized as, in major.minor.patch format. For top-level content objects, this is a required trait.

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val width: Int?

Width for the image.


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fun Image.fallback(): String
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fun Image.imageUrl(): String