Package com.arcxp.content.models


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@JsonClass(generateAdapter = true)
data class AdditionalProperties(    val has_published_copy: Boolean?,     val date_created: String?,     val first_published: String?,     val last_published: String?,     val publication_end: String?,     val publication_start: String?,     val published: Boolean?,     val roles: List<String>?,     val template: String?,     val version: Int?,     val countryId: Int?,     val galleries: List<Gallery>?,     val keywords: List<String>?,     val mime_type: String?,     val originalName: String?,     val originalUrl: String?,     val fullSizeResizeUrl: String?,     val ingestionMethod: String?,     val owner: String?,     val proxyUrl: String?,     val resizeUrl: String?,     val takenOn: String?,     val subsection: String?,     val videoId: String?,     val comments: List<Any>?,     val videoCategory: String?,     val gifAsThumbnail: Boolean?,     val permalinkUrl: String?,     val platform: String?,     val playlist: String?,     val forceClosedCaptionsOn: Boolean?,     val thumbnailResizeUrl: String?)
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@JsonClass(generateAdapter = true)
data class Address(    val country_name: String?,     val locality: String?,     val postal_code: String?,     val region: String?,     val street_address: String?,     val post_office_box: String?,     val extended_address: String?,     val additional_properties: Map<String, *>?)

Address @JsonClass(generateAdapter = true) data class following the convention of

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@JsonClass(generateAdapter = true)
data class ArcxpAnalytics(    val event: EventType?,     val deviceModel: String?,     val deviceID: String?,     val date: Date?,     val tenantID: String?)

This is data class sent per analytics event

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interface ArcXPContentCallback

callback interface

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@JsonClass(generateAdapter = true)
data class ArcXPSection(    @Json(name = "_id") val id: String,     @Json(name = "_website") val website: String,     @Json(name = "node_type") val type: String,     val name: String,     val navigation: Navigation,     val children: List<ArcXPSection>?,     val parent: Map<String, String>?,     val ancestors: Map<String, *>?,     val site: SiteServiceSite?,     val social: SiteServiceSocial?)

Response service object for Section List/Navigation Call

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@JsonClass(generateAdapter = true)
data class Code(    val _id: String?,     val subtype: String?,     val channels: List<String>?,     val alignment: String?,     val additional_properties: Map<String, *>?,     val content: String?,     val language: String?) : StoryElement

Code sample story element data class

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@JsonClass(generateAdapter = true)
data class Comments(    val comments_period: Int?,     val allow_comments: Boolean?,     val display_comments: Boolean?,     val moderation_required: Boolean?,     val additional_properties: Map<String, *>?)

Comment configuration data

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@JsonClass(generateAdapter = true)
data class ContentRestrictions(    val content_code: String?,     val embargo: ContentRestrictions.Embargo?,     val geo: Geo?)

Trait that applies contains the content restrictions of an ANS object.

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@JsonClass(generateAdapter = true)
data class Correction(    val _id: String?,     val subtype: String?,     val channels: List<String>?,     val alignment: String?,     val additional_properties: Map<String, *>?,     val correction_type: String?,     val text: String?) : StoryElement

Describes a change that has been made to the document for transparency, or describes inaccuracies or falsehoods that remain in the document.

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@JsonClass(generateAdapter = true)
data class Credits(val by: List<Credits.CreditsBy>?, val photos_by: List<Credits.CreditsBy>?)

Credits of article

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@JsonClass(generateAdapter = true)
data class CustomEmbed(    val _id: String?,     val subtype: String?,     val channels: List<String>?,     val alignment: String?,     val additional_properties: Map<String, *>?,     val embed: Embed?) : StoryElement

A custom embed element. Can be used to reference content from external providers about which little is known.

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@JsonClass(generateAdapter = true)
data class Description(val basic: String?)

The descriptions, or blurbs, for the content.

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@JsonClass(generateAdapter = true)
data class Distributor(    val name: String?,     val reference_id: String?,     val category: String?,     val subcategory: String?,     val additional_properties: Map<String, *>?,     val mode: String?)

Information about a third party that provided this content from outside this document's hosted organization.

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@JsonClass(generateAdapter = true)
data class Divider(    val _id: String?,     val subtype: String?,     val channels: List<String>?,     val alignment: String?,     val additional_properties: Map<String, *>?) : StoryElement

A divider between segments of an article.

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@JsonClass(generateAdapter = true)
data class ElementGroup(    val _id: String?,     val subtype: String?,     val channels: List<String>?,     val alignment: String?,     val additional_properties: Map<String, *>?,     val content_elements: List<StoryElement>?) : StoryElement

A sub-sequence of related content elements

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@JsonClass(generateAdapter = true)
data class Embed(    val id: String?,     val url: String?,     val config: Map<String, *>?)

The embed data.

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@JsonClass(generateAdapter = true)
data class Endorsement(    val _id: String?,     val subtype: String?,     val channels: List<String>?,     val alignment: String?,     val additional_properties: Map<String, *>?,     val endorsement: String?) : StoryElement

A string indicating the item's value.

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enum EventType : Enum<EventType>

analytics event types

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@JsonClass(generateAdapter = true)
data class Gallery(    val _id: String?,     val version: String?,     val subtype: String?,     val channels: List<String>?,     val alignment: String?,     val copyright: String?,     val canonical_url: String?,     val short_url: String?,     val created_date: Date?,     val last_updated_date: Date?,     val publish_date: Date?,     val first_publish_date: Date?,     val display_date: Date?,     val geo: Geo?,     val language: String?,     val location: String?,     val address: Address?,     val editor_note: String?,     val status: String?,     val headlines: Headline?,     val subheadlines: Headline?,     val description: Description?,     val credits: Credits?,     val vanity_credits: Credits?,     val promo_items: PromoItem?,     val related_content: Map<String, *>?,     val owner: Owner?,     val planning: Planning?,     val pitches: Pitches?,     val source: Source?,     val distributor: Distributor?,     val tracking: Any?,     val comments: Comments?,     val label: Label?,     val slug: String?,     val content_restrictions: ContentRestrictions?,     val image_type: String?,     val alt_text: String?,     val additional_properties: Map<String, *>?,     val subtitle: String?,     val caption: String?,     val url: String?,     val width: Int?,     val height: Int?,     val licensable: Boolean?,     val contributors: Image.CreatedBy?,     val content_elements: List<StoryElement>?,     val content_aliases: List<String>?) : StoryElement

Gallery ANS Type

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@JsonClass(generateAdapter = true)
data class Geo(val latitude: Double?, val longitude: Double?)

Latitidue and Longitude of the content

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@JsonClass(generateAdapter = true)
data class Header(    val _id: String?,     val subtype: String?,     val channels: List<String>?,     val alignment: String?,     val additional_properties: Map<String, *>?,     val content: String?,     val level: Int?) : StoryElement

A Header story element data class

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@JsonClass(generateAdapter = true)
data class Headline(    val basic: String?,     val print: String?,     val social: String?,     val native: String?,     val tablet: String?,     val web: String?)
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@JsonClass(generateAdapter = true)
data class Headlines(val basic: String?)
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@JsonClass(generateAdapter = true)
data class Image(    val _id: String?,     val version: String?,     val subtype: String?,     val channels: List<String>?,     val alignment: String?,     val copyright: String?,     val canonical_url: String?,     val short_url: String?,     val created_date: Date?,     val last_updated_date: Date?,     val publish_date: Date?,     val first_publish_date: Date?,     val display_date: Date?,     val geo: Geo?,     val language: String?,     val location: String?,     val address: Address?,     val editor_note: String?,     val status: String?,     val headlines: Headline?,     val subheadlines: Headline?,     val description: Description?,     val credits: Credits?,     val vanity_credits: Credits?,     val promo_items: PromoItem?,     val related_content: Map<String, *>?,     val owner: Owner?,     val planning: Planning?,     val pitches: Pitches?,     val source: Source?,     val distributor: Distributor?,     val tracking: Any?,     val comments: Comments?,     val label: Label?,     val slug: String?,     val content_restrictions: ContentRestrictions?,     val image_type: String?,     val alt_text: String?,     val focal_point: Image.FocalPoint?,     val additional_properties: Map<String, *>?,     val subtitle: String?,     val caption: String?,     val url: String?,     val width: Int?,     val height: Int?,     val licensable: Boolean?,     val contributors: Image.CreatedBy?,     val auth: Map<String, String>?) : StoryElement

Image ANS type

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@JsonClass(generateAdapter = true)
data class InterstitialLink(    val _id: String?,     val subtype: String?,     val channels: List<String>?,     val alignment: String?,     val additional_properties: Map<String, *>?,     val url: String?,     val content: String?,     val description: Text?,     val image: Image?) : StoryElement

Interstitial Link story element data class

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@JsonClass(generateAdapter = true)
data class Label(    val text: String?,     val url: String?,     val display: Boolean?,     val additional_properties: Map<String, *>?)

The default label object for this piece of content.

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@JsonClass(generateAdapter = true)
data class LinkList(    val _id: String?,     val subtype: String?,     val channels: List<String>?,     val alignment: String?,     val additional_properties: Map<String, *>?,     val title: String?,     val items: List<Links>?) : StoryElement

A list of links to related or external content that may be embedded in a story as a unit. Can be used for curated re-circulation, or simple 'More Information' boxes. Each item in the list must be an interstitial link.

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sealed class Links

Sealed class for links, could be interstitial_link or text based on type property

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@JsonClass(generateAdapter = true)
data class Navigation(@Json(name = "nav_title") val nav_title: String?)
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@JsonClass(generateAdapter = true)
data class NumericRating(    val _id: String?,     val subtype: String?,     val channels: List<String>?,     val alignment: String?,     val additional_properties: Map<String, *>?,     val numeric_rating: Any?,     val min: Any?,     val max: Any?,     val units: String?) : StoryElement

Numeric rating story element data class: Indicates a numeric rating value

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@JsonClass(generateAdapter = true)
data class OembedResponse(    val _id: String?,     val subtype: String?,     val channels: List<String>?,     val additional_properties: Map<String, *>?,     val raw_oembed: Any?,     val referent: Referent?) : StoryElement

An oembed object

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@JsonClass(generateAdapter = true)
data class Owner(    val id: String?,     val name: String?,     val sponsored: Boolean?)

Various unrelated fields that should be preserved for backwards-compatibility reasons. See also trait_source.

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@JsonClass(generateAdapter = true)
data class Parent(    val clone: String?,     val matTest: String?,     val ellipsis: String?,     val test: String?,     val goldfish: String?,     val default: String?,     val cloneSomesite: String?,     val nativeAppBar: String?,     val cloneLaur: String?,     val cloneTest: String?,     val nativeApp: String?)
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@JsonClass(generateAdapter = true)
data class Pitches(    val additional_properties: Map<String, *>?,     val platform: List<PlatformPitch>?,     val publication: List<PublicationPitch>?)

Trait that represents a story's pitches. In the Arc ecosystem, this data is generated by WebSked.

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@JsonClass(generateAdapter = true)
data class Planning(    val additional_properties: Map<String, *>?,     val websked_sort_date: Date?,     val deadline_miss: Int?,     val internal_note: String?,     val budget_line: String?,     val scheduling: Scheduling?,     val story_length: StoryLength?,     val workFlow: WorkFlow?,     val revision: Revision?,     val syndication: Syndication?)

Trait that applies planning information to a document or resource. In the Arc ecosystem, this data is generated by WebSked. Newsroom use only. All these fields should be available and editable in WebSked.

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@JsonClass(generateAdapter = true)
data class PlatformPitch(    val additional_properties: Map<String, *>?,     val platform_path: String?,     val creation_event: PlatformPitch.PlatformPitchEvent,     val latest_event: PlatformPitch.PlatformPitchEvent)

Platform pitch: Trait that represents a pitch to a platform. In the Arc ecosystem, this data is generated by WebSked.

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@JsonClass(generateAdapter = true)
data class PromoItem(val basic: PromoItem.PromoItemBasic?, val lead_art: PromoItem.PromoItemBasic?)

Lists of promotional content to use when highlighting the story. In the Arc ecosystem, references in these lists will be denormalized.

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@JsonClass(generateAdapter = true)
data class PublicationPitch(    val additional_properties: Map<String, *>?,     val publication_id: String?,     val creation_event: PublicationPitch.PublicationPitchEvent,     val latest_event: PublicationPitch.PublicationPitchEvent)

Trait that represents a pitch to a publication. In the Arc ecosystem, this data is generated by WebSked.

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@JsonClass(generateAdapter = true)
data class Publishing(val scheduled_operations: ArcXPStory.Publishing.ScheduledOperations?)
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@JsonClass(generateAdapter = true)
data class Quote(    val _id: String?,     val subtype: String?,     val channels: List<String>?,     val alignment: String?,     val content_elements: List<StoryElement>?,     val additional_properties: Map<String, *>?,     val citation: Text?) : StoryElement

Quote story element data class

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@JsonClass(generateAdapter = true)
data class RawHTML(    val _id: String?,     val subtype: String?,     val channels: List<String>?,     val alignment: String?,     val content: String?) : StoryElement

RawHTML story element data class

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@JsonClass(generateAdapter = true)
data class Referent(    val type: String?,     val service: String?,     val id: String?,     val provider: String?,     val website: String?,     val referent_properties: Map<String, *>?)

Referent data class

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@JsonClass(generateAdapter = true)
data class ReferentProperties(val additional_properties: AdditionalProperties?)
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@JsonClass(generateAdapter = true)
data class RenderingGuide(val enum: String?, val type: String?)

Trait that provides suggestions for the rendering system.

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@JsonClass(generateAdapter = true)
data class Revision(    val branch: String?,     val editions: List<String>?,     val published: Boolean?,     val revision_id: String?,     val parent_id: String?,     val user_id: String?,     val additional_properties: Map<String, *>?)

Revision data class

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@JsonClass(generateAdapter = true)
data class Scheduling(    val planned_publish_date: Date?,     val scheduled_publish_date: Date?,     val will_have_gallery: Boolean?,     val will_have_graphic: Boolean?,     val will_have_image: Boolean?,     val will_have_video: Boolean?)

Scheduling information.

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@JsonClass(generateAdapter = true)
data class SiteInfo(val website_section: WebsiteSection?, val website_url: String?)
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@JsonClass(generateAdapter = true)
data class SiteServiceSite(    @Json(name = "site_url") val siteUrl: String?,     @Json(name = "site_about") val siteAbout: String?,     @Json(name = "site_description") val siteDescription: String?,     @Json(name = "pagebuilder_path_for_native_apps") val pageBuilderPathForNativeApps: String?,     @Json(name = "site_taglined") val siteTagline: String?,     @Json(name = "site_title") val siteTitle: String?,     @Json(name = "sitesite_keywords_title") val siteKeywordsTitle: String?)
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@JsonClass(generateAdapter = true)
data class SiteServiceSocial(    val rss: String?,     val twitter: String?,     val facebook: String?,     val instagram: String?)
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@JsonClass(generateAdapter = true)
data class Social(val site: String?, val url: String?)

Social Links: Links to various social media

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@JsonClass(generateAdapter = true)
data class Source(    val source_id: String?,     val source_type: String?,     val name: String?,     val system: String?,     val edit_url: String?,     val additional_properties: Map<String, *>?)

Information about the original source and/or owner of this content

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sealed class StoryElement
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@JsonClass(generateAdapter = true)
data class StoryLength(    val word_count_planned: Int?,     val word_count_actual: Int?,     val inch_count_planned: Int?,     val inch_count_actual: Int?,     val line_count_planned: Int?,     val line_count_actual: Int?,     val character_count_planned: Int?,     val character_count_actual: Int?,     val character_encoding: String?)

Story length information.

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@JsonClass(generateAdapter = true)
data class StoryList(    val _id: String?,     val subtype: String?,     val channels: List<String>?,     val alignment: String?,     val additional_properties: Map<String, *>?,     val list_type: String?,     val items: List<StoryListElement>?) : StoryElement

list of text items or other lists

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sealed class StoryListElement

sealed class for story list element, could be text or list sub types depending on type field

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@JsonClass(generateAdapter = true)
data class Streams(    val url: String?,     val width: Int?,     val height: Int?,     val filesize: Long?,     @Json(name = "stream_type") val streamType: String?,     val bitrate: Int?,     val video_codec: Int?,     val audio_codec: Int?,     val provider: String?)

A stream of video. Configuration for a piece of video content, over a stream.

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@JsonClass(generateAdapter = true)
data class Subheadlines(val basic: String?)
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@JsonClass(generateAdapter = true)
data class Syndication(val external_distribution: Boolean?, val search: Boolean?)

Key-boolean pair of syndication services where this article may go

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@JsonClass(generateAdapter = true)
data class Table(    val _id: String?,     val subtype: String?,     val channels: List<String>?,     val additional_properties: Map<String, *>?,     val header: List<Text>?,     val rows: List<List<Text>>?) : StoryElement

Table story element data class

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@JsonClass(generateAdapter = true)
data class Taxonomy(    val keywords: List<Taxonomy.Keyword>?,     val named_entities: List<Taxonomy.NamedEntity>?,     val topics: List<Taxonomy.Topic>?,     val auxiliaries: List<Taxonomy.Auxiliary>?,     val tags: List<Taxonomy.Tag>?,     val primary_section: Taxonomy.Section?,     val sections: List<Taxonomy.Section>?,     val seo_keywords: List<String>?,     val stock_symbols: List<String>?,     val associated_tasks: List<String>?,     val additional_properties: Map<String, *>?)

Holds the collection of tags, categories, keywords, etc that describe content.

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@JsonClass(generateAdapter = true)
data class Text(    val _id: String?,     val subtype: String?,     val channels: List<String>?,     val alignment: String?,     val block_properties: Text.BlockProperties?,     val additional_properties: Map<String, *>?,     val content: String?) : StoryElement

Text story element data class: A textual content element

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class UnknownStoryListElement : StoryListElement

this object gets returned given an unknown StoryListElement

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class UnknownWebsiteSection : WebsiteSection

this object gets returned given an unknown WebsiteSection

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@JsonClass(generateAdapter = true)
data class Video(    val _id: String?,     val version: String?,     val subtype: String?,     val channels: List<String>?,     val alignment: String?,     val copyright: String?,     val canonical_url: String?,     val canonical_website: String?,     val short_url: String?,     val created_date: Date?,     val last_updated_date: Date?,     val publish_date: Date?,     val first_publish_date: Date?,     val display_date: Date?,     val geo: Geo?,     val language: String?,     val location: String?,     val address: Address?,     val editor_note: String?,     val status: String?,     val headlines: Headline?,     val subheadlines: Headline?,     val description: Description?,     val credits: Credits?,     val vanity_credits: Credits?,     val taxonomy: Taxonomy?,     val promo_items: PromoItem?,     val related_content: Map<String, *>?,     val owner: Owner?,     val planning: Planning?,     val pitches: Pitches?,     val source: Source?,     val distributor: Distributor?,     val tracking: Any?,     val comments: Comments?,     val label: Label?,     val slug: String?,     val content_restrictions: ContentRestrictions?,     val content_aliases: List<String>?,     val duration: Int?,     val transcript: String?,     val rating: String?,     val video_type: String?,     val youtube_content_id: String?,     val streams: List<Streams>?,     val subtitles: Video.Subtitle?,     val additional_properties: Map<String, *>?,     val image_type: String?,     val alt_text: String?,     val focal_point: Image.FocalPoint?,     val subtitle: String?,     val caption: String?,     val url: String?,     val width: Int?,     val height: Int?,     val licensable: Boolean?,     val contributors: Image.CreatedBy?,     val promo_image: Image?,     val embed_html: String?,     val corrections: List<Correction>?,     val websites: Map<String, SiteInfo>?) : StoryElement

Holds attributes of an ANS video component. In the Arc ecosystem, these are stored in Goldfish.

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sealed class WebsiteSection

sealed class: could be either Section or Reference based on type

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@JsonClass(generateAdapter = true)
data class WorkFlow(    val status_code: Int?,     val note: String?,     val additional_properties: Map<String, *>?)

Trait that applies workflow information to a document or resource. In the Arc ecosystem, this data is generated by WebSked.


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fun Image.imageUrl(): String
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fun String.substringAfterLastUrlCharacter(delimiter: String, missingDelimiterValue: String = this): String?