
@JsonClass(generateAdapter = true)
data class Referent(    val type: String?,     val service: String?,     val id: String?,     val provider: String?,     val website: String?,     val referent_properties: Map<String, *>?)

Referent data class


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fun Referent(    type: String?,     service: String?,     id: String?,     provider: String?,     website: String?,     referent_properties: Map<String, *>?)


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val id: String?

The id passed to the provider to retrieve an ANS document

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val provider: String?

A URL that can resolve the id into an ANS element

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val referent_properties: Map<String, *>?

An object for key-value pairs that should override the values of keys with the same name in the denormalized object

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val service: String?

The type of interaction the provider expects. E.g., 'oembed'

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val type: String?

The ANS type that the provider should return.

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val website: String?

The website which the referenced id belongs to. Currently supported only for sections.