get Collection
This function requests a collection result by content alias
returns result either through callback interface or livedata
LiveData subscribe to this livedata for successful results (or use optional callback interface) Note: this will always return same live data, can subscribe directly one time collectionLiveData, listener will have individual results per call
Content Alias
Callback interface for optional callback
override ArcXPContentCallback.onGetCollectionSuccess for success
override ArcXPContentCallback.onError for failure
or leave null and use livedata result and error livedata
if true, we ignore caching for this call only
index in which to start (ie for pagination, you may want to start at index for next page)
number of entries to request: (valid range VALID_COLLECTION_SIZE_RANGE, will coerce parameter into this range if it is outside)
: Boolean should we call collection full? if nothing is entered, will default to ArcXPContentConfig.preLoading value