Credits By
@JsonClass(generateAdapter = true )
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Information about article credit from author or photographer
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fun CreditsBy( _id: String?, image: Image?, name: String?, org: String?, slug: String?, social_links: List<Social>?, type: String?, url: String?, version: String?, first_name: String?, middle_name: String?, last_name: String?, suffix: String?, byline: String?, location: String?, division: String?, email: String?, role: String?, expertise: String?, affiliation: String?, languages: String?, bio: String?, long_bio: String?, books: List<Credits.CreditsBy.Book>?, education: List<Credits.CreditsBy.School>?, awards: List<Credits.CreditsBy.Award>?, contributor: Boolean?, subtype: String?, channels: List<String>?, alignment: String?, additional_properties: Map<String, *>?)
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