Promo Item Basic
@JsonClass(generateAdapter = true )
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fun PromoItemBasic( _id: String?, address: Address?, alignment: String?, canonical_url: String?, caption: String?, channels: List<String>?, content: String?, copyright: String?, created_date: Date?, credits: Credits?, description: Description?, display_date: Date?, editor_note: String?, embed: Embed?, first_publish_date: Date?, geo: Geo?, headlines: Headline?, height: Int?, width: Int?, last_updated_date: Date?, language: String?, licensable: Boolean?, location: String?, owner: Owner?, publish_date: Date?, short_url: String?, status: String?, subheadlines: Headline?, subtitle: String?, subtype: String?, taxonomy: Taxonomy?, type: String?, url: String?, version: String?, promo_items: PromoItem?, additional_properties: Map<String, *>?, auth: Map<String, String>?)
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Canonical URL: The relative URL to this document on the website specified by the canonical_website
field. In the Arc ecosystem, this will be populated by the content api from the arc-canonical-url service if present based on the canonical_website. In conjunction with canonical_website, it can be used to determine the SEO canonical url or open graph url. In a multi-site context, this field may be different from the website_url field.
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